High net worth individuals who invest in social enterprises.

LaunchMe is Scotland’s social enterprise accelerator. It is a business support and investment readiness programme that helps ambitious social enterprises to scale and make a greater impact. 

There are a number of local funds investing in social enterprise in specific areas.

UnLtd Scotland finds, funds and supports social entrepreneurs – enterprising people with solutions that change our society for the better. They administer the Growth Impact Fund, a partnership between themselves, Big Issue Invest and Shift, an investment programme designed by and for founders from underrepresented backgrounds. Find out more about that particular opportunity here

SCF Ltd assists communities to raise capital by issuing Community Bonds to local individuals and organisations.

Up to £25,000 of funding for individuals who have tried and tested an idea and want to turn it into their full-time job. 

Funding Scotland is operated by the SCVO to provide access to up to date information on funding opportunities.

Firstport is Scotland’s agency for start-up social entrepreneurs and social enterprise. The organisation is a registered charity that supports individuals all across Scotland to start, develop and grow their ideas into businesses with social impact at their core. 

DSL provide loans to start-up and growing businesses in Scotland and delivers the Scottish Microfinance Fund.

CSS raises awareness of community shares and supports communities to raise money this way.