We are a social enterprise passionate about empowering ethnic minority women with leadership and enterprise skills. Through our activities, we have become the link between our extensive network of Ethnic Minority entrepreneurs, and those with the potential to become one, in the wider entrepreneurial ecosystem.

The Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health conducts world-leading research to conceptualise and evidence ways that lives of individuals and communities can be improved through a better understanding of various community-based and health-focused initiatives. 

VAER is the ‘Centre for Collective Impact’ based in East Renfrewshire. Our vision in an East Renfrewshire where people can work together to shape their communities. This can only be achieved by valuing the uniqueness of every individual and their contribution; whilst creating the conditions for participation.

Volunteer Centre East Lothian is a Third Sector Interface (TSI) for East Lothian. We provide support, learning and development opportunities for both Individuals and organisations through our volunteering, organisational Support, and community teams. We have one mission at heart: to build empowered, resilient communities within a thriving third sector. We promote and encourage informal learning, leadership development and community capacity building across our services.

VAA is a community development agency committed to positive social change and also a delivery agency of the Third Sector Interface service as within our funding from Scottish Government. Our work includes providing a Third Sector interface role, a community development function and, as a key organisation, in empowering communities and combatting poverty. Voluntary Action Angus supports the growth of volunteering, social enterprise and local third sector development.

Forth Valley Social Enterprise Network (FVSEN) and Online Directory is an innovative and easy-to-access way to source and ensure you are buying local goods and services with social, ethical and environmental benefits.  The Network is supported by the three TSIs across Forth Valley. It is free to join for any community or social enterprise operating in Forth Valley registered with the TSIs and acts as a forum for peer support and information sharing; a voice to the social enterprise sector; and offers potential for inter-trading and engagement with policy makers, funders and other strategic partners. Alternate monthly meetings are held for Network members with a bulletin sent out in the alternate month.

West Lothian Social Enterprise Network (WLSEN) is a membership network composed of leaders in social enterprise in West Lothian. Social enterprises help our communities thrive socially, environmentally and economically. We are proud of our diverse ecosystem of organisations covering sectors from cleaning and environmental management, to care services, employment and training, food, theatre, community, housing, children & young people, older people, business development, and so much more!

The third sector encompasses social enterprises, small community groups and voluntary organisations/charities. We provide advice, guidance and support to new, emerging and established third sector organisations on a broad range of topics and activities.

Our vision is for inclusive, more prosperous, better educated, and healthier communities on the Island of Lewis in particular and across the Outer Hebrides in general. We work closely with the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), the Scottish Government and the Scottish Council of Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) on matters of governance, good practice, and ensuring effective third sector service delivery. We provide face to face advice on issues including governance, funding, volunteer support, PVG schemes, project development, organisational health checks, charitable status, dispute resolution and barriers to employment.

OHSEP offers practical support to social enterprises across the Hebrides, and is a partner on the Western Isles Third Sector Interface – TSI Western Isles. We help the Scottish Government meet its national outcome, ‘that social enterprise develops and grows’. We do this by acting as a voice for social enterprises, providing one to one guidance to social enterprises and aspiring social entrepreneurs (e.g. sign-posting for business planning, feasibility studies, legal structures, sources of finance, marketing); and attending regular networking meetings to provide general advice and updates on current affairs to those managing social enterprises and signposting social entrepreneurs to specialist training, such as employment law, marketing, and other areas. ​​​​

Scotland Food & Drink are here to nurture, support and champion the people and products of Scotland’s food and drink industry to help deliver continued and growing success. They guide their members to realise untapped potential, to unlock new markets and maximise opportunities. They are committed to strengthening reputations, developing growth strategies and broadening networks which will deliver the competitive edge to members and continued success for Scotland’s food and drink industry.

TSI Western Isles works to support, develop and promote the interests and work of voluntary and community organisations in the Western Isles. We are one of the Third Sector Interfaces funded by the Scottish Government to provide a single point of access for support and advice for the third sector.

As a Third Sector Interface, WDCVS holds a unique position in supporting, promoting, developing and representing volunteering and sector activity across West Dunbartonshire. Our vision is of a West Dunbartonshire where everyone can contribute their enthusiasm, skills and  drive, improving quality of life and opportunity in our communities.

Volunteer Glasgow is the operating name of the Volunteer Centre – the Centre for Volunteering, Community Action and Employment Initiatives – which was established in 1970. In addition to promoting and supporting volunteering, we have a successful track record in providing community development, befriending/mentoring, training, community care, and advisory services to the general public and to a range of specific client groups across the city.

Edinburgh Social Enterprise supports, promotes and develops social enterprise in Edinburgh and serves as a hub creating social and economic growth. Our mission is to create opportunities for Edinburgh’s Social Enterprise community to develop and thrive, recognising its positive impact on society and the local community.